Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I report an absence?
Short answer: Call Attendance Office: 714-663-6144, 6:45am-4pm. For more details, link to Attendance Policy/procedures page
- When are Late Start days?
Late Start/Teacher Collaboration days occur every Wednesday throughout the year EXCEPT:
2024-25: Wednesday, Oct. 9, Dec. 18, May 21, and May 28.
- REGULAR LATE START days: No zero period and 1st period begins at 9:10 am
- EXCEPTION DATES NOTED ABOVE: Zero Period starts at 7:15am and we follow the regular bell schedule.
Please plan accordingly.
- What do the various letter codes mean in Aeries attendance listings?
Click here for a PDF explaining the various letter codes in Aeries
- If my child needs extra help, is tutoring available?
Yes, there are many types of tutoring opportunities available. For specific details, link to this page.
- What information is available about vaping?
Here is a helpful site from Tobacco-Free California.
- What are the current Internet safety issues that parents should be aware of?
Here's a helpful, up-to-date (as of 1/25/19) article from CNN: "Apps you've never heard of that your teen is already using"
- Is there additional parking--especially on days where the Don Wash Auditorium is being used and there are buses parked on Stanford Ave. or 7th St.?
YES: We have an agreement with the First Baptist Church of Garden Grove (on Euclid and Stanford). Please refer to the map on this page for the traffic flow through the parking and and for the available additional parking spaces.

For more details on parking and an expanded picture/map, click here.