Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway Information Session

CTE (Career and Technical Education) and Dual Enrollment can help! In CTE pathways, students can explore potential career pathways, gain real world hands-on experience, and potentially earn college credits and/or industry recognized certifications.  Today’s CTE Pathways equip our students with 21st century career skills in high-paying industries like engineering, product design, automotive technology, cybersecurity, biotechnology and more.

Please join us for an informational meeting to hear about the career pathways available in Garden Grove, explore college and career planning resources, and learn how to best support your child’s college and career exploration. 


Wednesday January 31, 2024 6:00-7:00pm @ Lincoln Education Center

To save your spot, please RSVP to the Google Form to let us know if you will be attending one of these informational events:
